
Bitcoin SMASHES New Record! (Ethereum PUMP Around Corner?)

Welcome to bible crypto: this is your daily crypto three minute wrap-up, we'll. Give you all the days news in about three minutes: uh, sorry for the somber tone, the braves they they did, what atlanta teams do just now.

So i'm really having to fight back tears, to keep myself from uh, maybe jumping off a bridge. Here we go. Bitcoin, though, am i right here we go bitcoin coming in at sixty four thousand one hundred dollars it's been as high as sixty one thousand four today uh approaching new all-time highs, new all-time on uh coinbase.

I think it's 64 890 by bid it's like 64 900, so we're less than a thousand dollars away, but the 64 000 level is absolutely monumental um, i think. Actually, if we were to uh, if we were to look at the daily close here um, i believe let's, see we are possibly going to close higher than we ever have before uh the highest close we had was 63 325.

. I know you can't see it, but if we can close above 63 325 it'll, be our highest daily. Close ever um ethereum coming in at 38.78, ethereum could be getting ready to rip uh binance coin down a little bit.

Xrp up a little bit, i we're, just seeing a lot of boring action on those coins right now, but you know it is what it is uh biggest mover of the day or excuse me biggest mover of the day. Here is uh, okb and cuckoo and shares.

These are two exchange tokens uh. You got cosmos doing really well today, it's. Gon na got a big old bag of cosmos, got a big old bag of harmony, loving life. Our weave up today near protocol and safe moon, let's.

Look at the top news of the day. We got some very interesting news here: um biggest story of the day. Of course, the bitcoin futures etf debuts the highest ever first day of natural volume in the history of etfs.

What does that tell you? People want this product, they want the bitcoin back the physically backed ones these will be coming. The hype from this is bigger than the actual effect, but it did really well with the volume today.

So that is good news. How about this? We knew it was coming guys. We knew this was coming, but grayscale has now officially filed with the sec to convert its bitcoin trust into an etf. Now, what could this mean for ethereum? Well, they could also do the same thing with their ethereum trust and then it kind of starts moving on down the line to say: where will this end? You know they try to make a litecoin trust, or you know, maybe an ethereum classic trust who knows, but this is big news uh we knew this was coming.

We've, been telling you this on the channel for uh months and months and months. Uh all year, the great scale would eventually convert over to netflix it's. Official now hasn't been approved, but the process has begun.

Then check out this news. I thought this was big news, because i, until about 15 minutes ago i love sports. I hate it now, but uh coinbase inc sponsorship deal with the nba and wnba mlb umpires. They have ftx all over themselves.

Now we're gonna have coinbase all over uh, the nba and the wnba. You have all over racing and ufc. We've got crypto exchanges everywhere, taking over going to the mainstream love to see it all right guys.

That's. All i got be blessed. I need some blessings tonight. Please say a prayer for me, bad boy out,
