URGENT Bitcoin BULL TRAP Warning! (Ethereum Imminent Move to $9k)
Welcome to bitboy crypto home of the bit squad, the largest and greatest crypto community in all the interwebs. My name has been every day on this channel. I show you how to make money in crypto. If you like money and crypto, then make sure to hit that subscribe button all right guys today, we're, going to be doing a brief video for a sunday drive morning special where i drive to church to tell you what's.
Going on in the world of crypto, as mentioned yesterday, i'm, going to be talking about. Bitcoin ethereum intel bear traps, bull traps, the whole nine yards really just bull traps. So let's. Let's. Talk about this! First bitcoin is dipping a little bit and a lot of the bears are saying that uh, we've just experienced a bull trap.
So what is a bull trap? This is where the momentum begins to swing back up and people get excited. They start foam mowing back in only to have the legs cut out from under them when the price comes tumbling down and it does not set new all-time highs.
It's, basically just a fake pump. So you know richard hart says he thinks that's. What's going on there's, plenty of other people on twitter? I saw some real bearish guy on twitter. I'd. Never heard of that has like 20 000 followers who's, telling his people it's.
A bear trap now here's. What i want you to notice about the bear, trap, people the bear trap. People, excuse me the bull trap. It's, a bull trap, a bear trap would be the opposite. A bear trap would be where uh you know it looks like.
The price is gonna crash down further, but it it doesn't. It bounces and goes back up the people that are talking about a bull trap. They continually push the goal post, so it was like hey thirty, four thousand dollars that's, a bull trap uh when they hit 37.
That's. A bull trap when they hit 40 that's, a bull trap. They're, going to say this all the way up to new all-time highs. I mean that's, just what they're going to do when we hit new all-time highs, then eventually it's, going to go back down and they'll, be like so you told you.
It was going to drop that's kind of how these people operate. They're, they're, not uh, the the bears the bitcoin bears. They're, not the smartest people. In my opinion, i mean look at the history of bitcoin, so the question is: are we in one now a lot of people are looking back at 2017 well, actually, 2018 and saying that what we got in february of 2018 was actually the uh.
You know uh the bull trap and that's when things drop down dead cap balance, whatever you want to call it, we did see that, but the timing is off the the difference between what happened in 2018 and what we're.
Seeing now is that in 2017, for bitcoin and in 2018 for ethereum and all coins we got blow off, tops that's. What defines these bitcoin bull runs. You get a blow off top you don't have a rounded curve at the top.
This is the difference. We will get price action going back down at some point. There will be a bear market, but we're, not there. Right now, their timelines are wrong and that's. What i keep telling you about a lot of these people, it's, not that they're wrong.
It's, not that there's, not credibility to what they're, saying they & # 39. Ve got plenty of charts to look back and be able to show you they're like hey, see what's going on here. This could possibly be the same thing.
It's just that their timelines are wrong, because these people are not very well researched on the bitcoin cycles or they're either a person that says the bitcoin cycles are over and you know we're gonna, Be proven right here in a few months and you know uh throughout the bear market.
You know there will be people that can look back and say hey this guy. I knew what he was talking about. He told us for two years almost what was coming actually almost exactly two years from january to last year, until uh december of this year, that's.
Pretty much when i've been saying the way that all this was going to occur and it's. Pretty much mimicking that, with the exception of the two months that we had you know, sucked out of this bull run from the manipulation so bitcoin right now coming in under 46 000.
What does this mean? Should we be concerned? Should we be scared and the answer that question is no, but this is what i do want to tell you guys about bitcoin, which is when you look at the 47 000 to 50 000 range.
It is a very tough range right now there's, no question about it. There are massive amounts of sell orders following between these numbers, which, if you're looking to take along if you're looking to leverage trade or take a loan, you want to be looking really above 50 000, because as soon as We cross over that 50 000 barrier.
It's very likely. We're, going to go up very quickly, but getting between getting above this 50 000.. I told you guys last week the video i recorded from disneyland i wouldn't, be surprised that by the end of this week, bitcoin was over 50 000.
. Well, we got basically to 48k. We got very, very close, but we weren't able to get above it, because this is just a very, very tough tight range with a lot of sell orders, but the people that are wanting to move the prices up.
The big money, the the insiders, the whales, the ones that are wanting to push the prices up, they've, been doing experiments. But then i know this, you guys know. I know this, i i know they're, doing it between 47 48k, they're, basically doing price experiments.
That's. Why you, when you see bitcoin, go up it's very dramatic! It's, been going up like a thousand dollars in 10 minutes, and then it'll just subside, and then it'll come back down. They're testing, the liquidity they're testing.
The sentiment and what we're seeing now is when they test and they pierce those numbers. The retail sentiment alone right now is not enough to get it above 50k, so they're gonna have to keep at it and keep pushing and keep pushing.
But when this breaks out it will be breaking out huge to the upside. Now, for ethereum read a very interesting article talking about ethereum now, if you notice has been stuck in sideways action for a while, however, we're, getting a lot of burning going on, which is a good thing.
We want this ethereum burning to continue ticking away at the new supply coming in, but i read an interesting article about a lot of traders that are extremely bullish on ethereum right now and with bitcoin.
It's somewhere near where i would probably be considered a local bottom right now below 46 000. It could go lower, but i feel pretty good at this number. If i were looking to take along, i might think about doing it at this number.
A short term long, you know, try to try to get a thousand two thousand dollar increase in the price and cashing in uh about fifty thousand dollars. You would consider taking maybe a longer long, a longer timeframe, but with where i consider bitcoin to be kind of a local bottom right now uh.
What's very interesting is ethereum is still holding tough, where it is it's over the rest of the altcoins. They're in between 31 and 32 000. I think at the time of this recording somewhere around there in that range uh, where's, the upside, where can this thing go to? Well, it's.
Gon na have to break out at some point when bitcoin starts to gain a little momentum. I think we're gonna see ethereum absolutely explode. A new number i'm hearing from a lot of traders. Uh is a quick move to nine thousand dollars over the next month.
So is that true? Is that not true? Could we see ethereum basically triple in price? Some people call dip 1559, the the triple halving uh. You know very interesting stuff. So i'm, not 100 sure if we & # 39, ll see that in the next month uh, but i do like nine thousand dollars for a target for ethereum in the next three months, hopefully a little bit higher than that, maybe even uh.
Ten thousand dollars, or so uh, you know somewhere in that range, but it's very exciting to see ethereum holding so tough because look right now, ethereum is just it's. Taking a breather. Ethereum is breathing right now and when it gets ready to rip is going to rip.
Absolutely massive last story i want to touch on is intel now. If you didn't know uh intel just announced they're. You know going to be: oh, they own a bunch of bitcoin. They're, going to be moving more towards the bitcoin world.
Of course they make computer chips, uh all kinds of different technologies, but uh here's. What is significant about this, you guys know digital currency group. I've, been telling you for a while. There are some backers, some hong kong tycoons, if you will uh involved with the ccp who are involved with digital currency group.
In fact, you can kind of go back to the beginning and see they actually basically made barry silbert uh, the barry slimebert, as i like to call him who, by the way, also came out all right. Now he's in on the plan for bitcoin to go to a hundred thousand.
He came out. There was an article today where he was quoted, saying he sees bitcoin going to a hundred thousand dollars this year, a big surprise. It's funny when i know more than barry but uh. The point here is: is that intel has uh? Has a a habit? Has a pattern of following after uh, where these hong kong tycoons put their money and obviously, as they are putting money into digital currency group, they're, putting money into bitcoin.
I think intel is a company to watch because they are trying to get closer involved with the financial cartel. The question is why what is the end game from intel? I don't think these stories coming out about intel right now or just face value.
I i don't think it's, hey they own bitcoin cool, that's, it that's. The end of the story, i think we're, going to see intel begin to play a bigger role in the technology of blockchain. I want to know what you guys think it's, big news intel being involved, but i think it's even bigger than most people know, because i think this is a sign of things to come with intel and blockchain technology.
So let me know what you guys think drop those comments down below. Let me know where you think bitcoin is going. Let me know where you think ethereum is going. Are you happy with the coronado and xrp bumps? Let me know down below in the comments that's.
All i got blessed good way out.